Friday, March 30, 2012

The Rise of the Medical Expertocracy

Hartzband and Groopman on the Rise of the Medical Expertocracy -

Take away the $$$$$ incentives of providers, insurance companies, payers and plans and put the values back into  patient care and concerns for best patient outcomes and quality of life. Healthcare is a right Not a priviledge and the financial gains and interest of most people and companies in Healthcare is one of the major causes of our current "crises". Another component is the way people take or dont take care of themselves, diet, exercise, smoke etc. The other is government and lobyists that allow tobacco to be sold, there is hope however as people become more aware and responsive with a healthier lifestyle. We THE people can make a diffference in the laws and regulations governing foods, toxins, pesticides, smoke etc etc. taking more personal responsability and helping promote and pass legislation to ban tobacco, added sugars, salts etc. More to come as people with medical science  and healthcare backgrounds bring knowledge and understanding, education and values to and for the public interest. We then must take greater steps and actions to bring  greater honesty, credability and transparency  to the public via blogs, tweets etc. @ DrDonMD, weissman health and other internet, news,  social media events etc. Yes we can !